Edinburgh, 18-23 May 2006 / Sir Walter Scott

When you walk on Princes Street, there is this huge pointy tower made of rocks. It seems it doesn't really belong there, but after all, it does.  The Scott (Sir Walter Scott, writer, 1771-1832) Monument was built between 1840 and 1846 with stone from the Binny quarry in West Lothian which was specially reopened for the 1998-99 restoration.  (from the plaque of the monument)

When you walk on Princes Street, there is this huge pointy tower made of rocks. It seems it doesn't really belong there, but after all, it does. The Scott (Sir Walter Scott, writer, 1771-1832) Monument was built between 1840 and 1846 with stone from the Binny quarry in West Lothian which was specially reopened for the 1998-99 restoration. (from the plaque of the monument)

Koalie, 2006