Madrid, 4-6 May 2006

Isabelle and I met in Madrid for a few days. Her husband Wolfgang was there for business and we were there for shopping when it was raining and sight-seeing on the Saturday. A very enjoyable three day gathering. See also the flickr set (12 photos).

View from the aircraft on the bay of Cannes and the Lerins islands


Madrid Barajas airport, terminal 4


Heavy rain is greeting me just as I step out of the hostel


Military gathering on Plaza Mayor. We stood there under some light rain for a while and failed to understand what the purpose was.

Plaza Mayor

Soldiers at attention on Plaza Mayor


Soldiers ready with their drums on Plaza Mayor


Soldiers on Plaza Mayor


Soldiers and musicians


A femal soldier standing under the rain, more soldiers in the background.


A Toro Loco statue guarding the entrance of a shop. Reflection of Isabelle in the window next to it.

Toro loco

Plaza de Cibeles, Palacio de Communicaciones

Plaza de Cibeles

Terraza El Espejo, a cafe on Paseo del Prado


Koalie, 2006