At the Office, May 2001

Various photos of Emu and Pichu at the office. May 2001.

Emu jumping on Pichu

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Emu ready to attack Pichu

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Pichu and Emu sleeping on the sofas

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Pichu and Emu sleeping on the sofas

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Charles on Maxf's back

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Pichu sleeping on the sofa, his head falling

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Emu sleeping while Pichu plays with a mouse

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Pichu sleeping on Emu

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Pichu sleeping on Emu

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Pichu sleeping on Emu

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Pichu sleeping near Emu

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Pichu sleeping on Emu

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Pichu sleeping on Emu

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Emu in and Pichu on a cardboard box

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Emu getting out of the cardboard box

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Charles holding Pichu and Emu in each hand

Pichu and Emu at the Office

Koalie, 2003