Emu at home, May 2001

Various photos of Emu at home and the way she behaves with shoes, Jackie Chan and friends.

Nico and Marc drinking on the terrasse

Emu at home

Nico and Marc drinking on the terrasse

Emu at home

Nico, Marc and Steph on the terrasse

Emu at home

Nico, Emu on his leg, Marc and Steph's leg

Emu at home

Emu climbing legs

Emu at home

Emu attacking Nico's shoe

Emu at home

Emu attacking Nico's shoe

Emu at home

Emu attacking Nico's shoe

Emu at home

Sophie on the parking lot in front of our home

Emu at home

Sophie on the parking lot in front of our home

Emu at home

Nico meeting Sophie at the gate

Emu at home


Emu at home

Emu attacking a dangling branch

Emu at home

Emu attacking a dangling branch

Emu at home

Emu putting her head in the water pot

Emu at home

Emu attacking a dangling branch

Emu at home

Koalie, 2003